May 31, 2023
Welcome and Introductions (5 mins)
- Mary Gonzalez - Co-PI of the grant
- Carmen Bustos-Works - Co-PI of the grant
- Angela Shull - Director of the collaborative housed at Cal Poly Humboldt
- Committee Members
Report out Progress on Initiatives – Angela Shull (15 mins)
- Presentation - for more details, follow the link
- Hiring Updates
- Dual Enrollment Updates
- Sub-Awardee Updates
- Activities Updates
- Contract Credit - teacher professional development classes (only teachers in Humboldt and
Del Norte so far) - Future Upscaling:
- There are specific minimum qualifications for teaching community college classes (dual
enrollment or not). Many (not all) disciplines require a masters. If we are going to work
on developing high school teachers for dual enrollment, we'll need to pay specific
attention to that. - Paraprofessional - completing their BA
- SSU has Liberal Studies completely online
- Humboldt - leadership degree, teacher residency
- There are specific minimum qualifications for teaching community college classes (dual
- Contract Credit - teacher professional development classes (only teachers in Humboldt and
- Website is currently in development
Proposal review – Angela Shull (20 mins)
Governance Review - Angela Shull (5 mins)
- These will be presented to the Executive Steering Committee in the fall
Next 90 days – Mary Gonzalez (10 mins)
- Leaders – What priorities do you see for Angela to focus on for the next 90 days?
- What advice can you give her?
- SAI funding
- Dual Enrollment
- Related questions?
Closing & Scheduling of Next Meeting - Angela Shull (5 mins)
- Week of August 28th 3:30-4:30pm PST