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Educators from preschool to secondary level are in high demand and the Redwood Coast K-16 Educational Collaborative aims to define clear pathways for students to complete their undergraduate degrees and credentialing programs to increase the number of educators in our region. 

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students raising their hands
2 students using the ipad

Preparation for a Career in Education


Middle School:

  • We support middle school students interested in education by offering opportunities for career and college exploration including partnering with campus college and career fairs, arranging trips to college campuses, and arranging guest speakers.
  • We hope to be able to utilize in collaboration with school sites to encourage students taking interest inventories to find what career path suits them best.


High School:

  • We support middle school students interested in education by advocating for increased dual enrollment opportunities, collaborating with workforce partners on internship/job opportunities, partnering with campus college and career fairs, arranging trips to college campuses, and arranging guest speakers.
  • We also support students by connecting them to available community resources such as TRIO programs, CCRP, and Cal-SOAP to receive college access advising and financial aid advising.
  • We offer a senior stipend to local graduating seniors who are entering post-secondary education.
  • We are working to create a variety of Student Journey Maps to help students better understand what their journey through education might look like in various careers. 


Post-secondary education: 

  • We offer senior stipends to local graduating seniors who are entering post-secondary education.
  • The Graduate Student Workforce Navigator supports students entering Cal Poly Humboldt.

Student Journey Maps


Coming Soon...


Teacher Residency Grant Program

Teacher residency programs are inspired by the medical school approach to training doctors, where instruction and practice are combined. Starting after you earn your bachelor’s degree, as a teacher resident you’ll be teaching alongside an experienced mentor teacher for at least one full school year in the district where you’ll ultimately serve as teacher of record, all while completing coursework to earn your Preliminary credential. Residency programs are collaboratively administered through a credential program and a local educational agency (a school district, county office of education or charter school).  

There are some key considerations and more information regarding the program. For most up-to-date information, please reviewed the Resident Teacher Credentialing Program website.


  1. Residents report valuable clinical experiences, support, and feedback—all associated with feeling prepared to succeed in the classroom.
  2. Teacher candidates in residencies tend to stay with the teaching profession.
  3. You will receive financial support to cover tuition and expenses during your time in the classroom—and some programs provide the opportunity to earn a master’s degree. 
  4. You’ll teach as part of a cohort of fellow residents who can learn from and support one another.
  5. Residencies are designed to provide immediate employment for which residents are prepared following program completion

See the California Department of Education website, Become a Teacher webpage for the various educational pathways and check out the most up-to-date list of financial resources. A virtual advisor may be available to reach out to on the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website.

Click here to explore the Roadmap to Teaching in California

It is also worth noting that in the Redwood Coast region, a teaching career results in a higher salary than the median earnings. New local teachers have a salary of $48,000, and experienced teachers make as much as $90,000 per year.

Income and Benefits (2021 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)
 Del NorteHumboldtMendocinoLake
Median earnings for workers$30,403$28,528$30,819$30,840
Median earnings for male full-time, year round$47,029$49,467$48,530$51,291
Median earnings for female full-time, year round workers$41,750$44,233$42,806$38,295

Statewide average salaries of teachers and school administrators can be viewed on the Average Salaries page published by the California Department of Education